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Manic Monday Markup 8/18/14…

The Feds: We begin today in Missouri, where the unrest in Ferguson over the fatal shooting of an 18 year-old black teen by police has prompted Gov. Jay Nixon to call in the National Guard. While demonstrations were largely peaceful, a few instigators apparently moved

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Briefings: Another Read on the 2014 Candidates…

UPDATED 2:28PM SPRINGFIELD—Only another four weeks separate candidates for local and statewide office from the primary that will decide many of their fates and, in many cases, the election, too. That leaves precious little time before voting begins and it may be even less as

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Manic Monday Markup 8/11/14…

…And the World: We begin today in Iraq, where political factions have settled on a new Prime Minister to replace Nuri al-Maliki. Maliki’s sectarian governance has been partly blamed for the rise of the Sunni insurgency that has swarmed across Northern Iraq. However, The New York

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Hopewell Springs Eternal for a Contrast…

WESTFIELD—Following years of political malpractice and perhaps poor judgment of electoral strength, Democrats are in a prime position to take back the 2nd Hampden and Hampshire district from Senator Don Humason, who won the seat in a special election last year. However, Democrats first must

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Manic Monday Markup 8/4/14…

…And the World: We begin today in Germany, whose president marked the centennial of the Great War, today known as World War I, by denouncing his country’s invasion of Belgium, which precipitated what would become, for twenty years anyway, humanity’s deadliest war. Other European leaders

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No Monday Markup Today 7/28/14…

We’re taking this Monday off. However, let us provide you with a few important links: …And the World: The situation in Gaza remains fraught as ever. According to Israeli media is the US’s fault (or John Kerry’s). According to US media Israeli officials are misrepresenting