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Manic Monday Markup 11/24/14…

…And the World: We begin today in Austria, where the world powers negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program have announced an extension of talks with the Persian nation until July. US Secretary of State John Kerry has said new ideas have arisen and the

Take My Council, Please: Full of Sound & Fury…

SPRINGFIELD—With a light agenda primarily of grants, routine ordinance updates and some borrowing, the City Council trudged through its meeting, although disposal of the items seemingly hit a few snags, limiting what could have been a more expeditious meeting. A bond for school infrastructure and a

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Manic Monday Markup 11/17/14…

…And the World: We begin today in Israel, where between the rioting in Jerusalem and political maneuverings in the government, events appear to be hurtling the tiny nation to new elections. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition appears close to toppling. Netanyahu, the leader

Longmeadow Daze: Glazer & LDTC’s Organizing Yield Dems a Key Base…

UPDATED 11/16/14 1:57 PM: To clarify Lesser was consistently an LDTC member since joining as a teenager. This week his status changed from “associate” to full “elected” member once again. Longmeadow Daze is an occasional series reporting on and analyzing Longmeadow government and politics. LONGMEADOW—Eight days after voters

Briefings: The Fenton Council Presidency, Part II…

SPRINGFIELD—With the latest election cycle concluded, eyes are beginning to turn to 2015. While it is too early to know exactly what to expect from next year’s elections, the City Council appears set to reelect Ward 2 Councilor Michael Fenton as its president for another

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Editorial: Springfield in a Post-Casino Referendum World…

The question of whether casinos are coming to Massachusetts and Springfield in particular is decided. Voters last week, as expected, retained the law establishing the “resort-style” facilities by a margin more or less consistent with polling. We opposed the law, opined against MGM Springfield and

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Manic Monday Markup 11/10/14…

Welcome back after our absence last week due to Election Day! …And the World: We begin today in Britain, where the Labour party has been riled by anonymous criticism of its leader, Ed Miliband in the press, forcing frontbenchers to come to the party leader’s