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Manic Monday Markup 2/23/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Greece, which has agreed to a four month extension of its bailout terms from European officials. The interim agreement, while essentially the same as the old one and against which the governing party Syriza campaigned, does allow for some

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 2/17/15…

…And the Feds: We begin today in Ukraine, where an uneasy ceasefire between pro-Russian rebels and the government in Kiev has begun. However, fighting continues in a small town that serves as a major rail junction, testing the truce in its very infancy. Following shootings in Copenhagen that

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Take My Council, Please: It Becomes a Term of Years…

UPDATED 2/14/15 11:35PM: To reflect a correction. The vote to transfer bond proceeds to overruns on other projects was originally reported to be 13-0. It was, in fact, 12-1 with Fenton in dissent. SPRINGFIELD—Finally holding a meeting after a rush of early-week storms scrubbed its typical

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At His Kickoff, Far More than a Game of Follow the Lederman…

SPRINGFIELD—Entering after a rousing introduction from his political mentor E. Henry Twiggs, longtime city activist Jesse Lederman, a McKnight neighborhood resident, formally kicked off his bid for City Council at-large Wednesday night. Promising to bring a smarter, more innovative direction to 36 Court Street, Lederman called

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Editorial: As Life Imitated Stewart…

UPDATED 2/13/15 8:55PM: For grammar. Yesterday Jon Stewart announced that he was leaving his show. Analysts and pundits have been discussing and dissecting this ad infinitum in the hours since leaving almost no point or thought unvisited in his impending departure’s wake. The Daily Show

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Manic Monday Markup 2/9/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Israel, where a new poll has dimmed some of the edge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has show in recent polls. For the first time in a few weeks, Opposition Leader Isaac Herzog appears to have a shot at

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Manic Monday Markup 2/2/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Australia, where an election in the state of Queensland has rocked the political Land Down Under. Three years after annihilating the Labor party in the state parliament, the Liberal-National (LNP)  coalition suffered a huge setback falling from 73