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Briefings: Swan Trumpets Lederman and His Council Bid…

SPRINGFIELD—With a more competitive than expected race for City Council rapidly developing here, at-large City Council candidate Jesse Lederman sought to foment further momentum by rolling out high-profile political support. State Representative Benjamin Swan endorsed the young, upstart candidate, whose campaign has drawn attention in

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Manic Monday Markup 8/17/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Thailand, where a bomb went off a shrine in Bangkok. Some unconfirmed reports indicate that as many as 27 are dead, including foreigners. Two additional unexploded bombs have been found as well. The blast, at a site popular

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Manic Monday Markup 8/10/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Turkey, where a series of attacks have occurred. Among the places targeted is the US Consulate in Istanbul. Shortly before the shooting at the consulate a bomb went off at a police station on the other side of the

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Manic Monday Markup 8/3/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Canada, where Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who leads the Conservative party, formally ordered the dissolution of parliament, which the country’s governor-general (the Queen’s formal representative) did, touching off what might be one of the nastiest and longest election campaigns ever for