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Take My Council, Please: The Dollar Tree of Knowledge…

SPRINGFIELD—In a quiet meeting Monday the City Council mostly handled bookkeeping issues, a welcome respite from the more tempestuous gatherings of September. However, there was a vigorous debate about a retail project at a major intersection for traffic—and the divisions within the city. Aside from

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Manic Monday Markup 10/5/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Georgia—the US state—where a deal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been reached. The agreement, its backers say, will open up US products to dozens of Asian markets by felling tariffs. While President Barack Obama has insisted the deal

Could Western Mass Become the Next Economic Promised Land?…

SPRINGFIELD—After a 12+ hour flight from Tel Aviv to Boston, would Israeli businessmen, entrepreneurs and high-tech engineers be willing to make an additional hour and a half trip here? That is what Israeli Consul General for New England Yehuda Yaakov and state Senator Eric Lesser

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Manic Monday Markup 9/28/15…

…And the World: We begin today at the United Nations, which kicked off its annual session of the General Assembly with speeches from world leaders. On Friday, Pope Francis addressed body while today President Barack Obama spoke. The president emphasized the need to combat poverty,

Hope for a New Climate after the Pope’s Speech…

UPDATED 11:22AM: For grammar & clarity. LONGMEADOW—Some nine hours after its first run, in the gymnasium of St. Mary’s Academy there was an encore performance of Pope Francis’ historic speech to Congress. Yet this was a not a later screening organized by the adjoining church.