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Manic Monday Markup 1/4/16…

…And the World: We begin today with Saudi Arabia which has cut diplomatic ties with Iran in an escalating back and forth that began with the kingdom’s execution of a Shiite cleric. Protesters in Iran responded by attacking the Saudi embassy. Following Saudia Arabia in

The Year in Springfield 2015…

Another year come and gone in the City of Homes, complete with a mayoral election. While the race itself maintained an inevitable air throughout, it nevertheless revealed much about the state of Springfield. From economic interest from the Promised Land to increasing drama with MGM,

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Manic Monday Markup 12/28/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Iraq, where government forces say they have liberated most of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province from Daesh. The extremist group, also known as ISIS/ISIL, had captured the city in May, but lost it to Iraqi military forces

Afterglow 2015: Moonfall in Springfield’s Ward 1…

Afterglow 2015 is a series analyzing the results of the 2015 municipal elections in the Pioneer Valley and beyond. SPRINGFIELD—For one of the last times as a city councilor, Zaida Luna rose and implored her colleagues to support a resolve urging Congress to allow Puerto

Take My Council, Please: Closing the Book on 2015…

SPRINGFIELD—During the final meeting for two city councilors defeated for reelection November, the City Council closed out the year with new ordinances and approval of grants for parks in the city. Several weighty issues will be delayed until next year when the new council is

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Manic Monday Markup 12/21/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Spain, where a fractured election result leaves the leaders of that country scrambling to form a government. The incumbent center-right Popular Party of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy won the most seats, but lost its majority in Madrid. Rajoy’s party

Analysis: Toward a Stronger Springfield City Council?…

UPDATED: 1:29PM: For grammar and clarity. As a rule, Massachusetts city councils are weak bodies. Whether a city (or city masquerading as a town) has a mayor or a manager, councils’ powers are considerably weaker than those of their communities’ executive branch. There is a spectrum


MGM’s Top Contractor Has Been under Scrutiny in New York…

UPDATED 12/16/15 4:41PM: To include reaction from the Massachusetts gaming commission and for grammar & clarity. In an agreement with federal authorities in New York, the general contractor for MGM Resorts International’s planned casino in Springfield admitted to overcharging clients millions of dollars in overtime