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Category Archives: US Senate

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Our One Hundredth: Hoop City Showdown…

Springfield Senate Debate Coverage (UPDATED 10/11 5:45pm for additional reporting & photos) Amid a festive, almost carnival atmosphere outside Springfield’s Symphony Hall, supporters of Senator Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren faced off awaiting the campaigns lone debate outside I-495, crowding the streets around Springfield. Although

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Our One Hundredth: Traitor to the Cause…

There was more than hint of irony when Senator Scott Brown announced he had the support of Springfield’s former mayor Charles Ryan. Over the last fifteen years Ryan had presided over the city’s troubled finances, but also worked to preserve its libraries. In endorsing Brown,

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Our One Hundredth: Money, a Tie that Binds Brown & Romney

It may too be early to officially declare the Romney-Ryan Republican ticket a modern day Mittdenberg, but after a week of bad stories, false reboots and a damning video of a candid Mitt Romney, it is hard to not think Romney’s campaign is flailing. The

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Our One Hundredth: Only the Beginning of the North End…

The Campaign for the United States Senate in Massachusetts came to heart of one Springfield’s most beleaguered neighborhoods today as Elizabeth Warren met with activists in the city’s North End.  Seated at a table with members and allies of the New North Citizens’ Council, whose

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Our One Hundredth: Invest…in Hamburgers…

Elizabeth Warren Greets White Hut Patrons (WMassP&I) WEST SPRINGFIELD—Cameras and reporters jockeyed for space in the small dining room of the White Hut restaurant on Memorial Avenue.  It was official.  The race for the United States Senate had truly arrived to the greater Springfield area

Another Battle for the Senate…& Iowa…

We have some pretty big Massachusetts political news bubbling up from the streets of Springfield, but first a quick word on Iowa.  Willard Mitt Romney should have stayed away.  Yes, he won by eight votes, but unlike the polls that raised up and slapped down

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