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Category Archives: US Senate

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Our One Hundredth: Debating Occidental Massachusetts…

SPRINGFIELD—It is a rare event in a Massachusetts Senate race between a largely liberal Democrat and a self-styled “New” Republican that Tea Party Kentucky Senator Rand Paul drew praise from both sides.  However, that and a few other moments aside, Democratic Congressman Ed Markey and

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Our One Hundredth: Beyond the Ghost of Martha’s Campaign…

As can be expected, the national media and to a far lesser extent the Massachusetts media, have made the special Senate election to replace John Kerry a horse race or even Martha II.  Despite history and solid evidence that the factors which elected Scott Brown

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Our One Hundredth: The Lynchpins of the Race…

UPDATED 2/5/2013 1:35PM: For accuracy on Cong. Lynch’s position on abortion. A previous version of this post linked to articles, since unlinked, that had yet to reflect clarification on Lynch’s position. As South Boston Congressman Stephen Lynch pressed the flesh with area pols, gabbed with

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Briefings: Republicans’ Brown Out…

There is a great deal more to be said about former Republican Senator Scott Brown bowing out of another special election race. In particular there is will be a look at what the Massachusetts GOP’s options are (hint: they all stink!) and a longer coda

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Briefings: It’s Senator Warren, Neal’s Number 1…

UPDATED 1/4/13 4:01PM: Link to WBUR updated. Standing alongside several of her new colleagues and in front of her all, too, temporary seatmate, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren was sworn in today as Massachusetts’s newest US Senator.  Vice-President Joseph Biden, the official presiding officer of the

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A Worthy Loss for a Greater Good…

Think for a moment, that we could, had history gone just a bit differently, be in the final days of President John Kerry’s second term. History did not move that way, after a malicious campaign, but fate would deliver no less honor to the career

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In the Rearview Mirror: Winners & Losers

This Post is the First in a Series on Post-election Analysis It would be hard not to read Tuesday’s election as anything but good in the country at-large and certainly here in Massachusetts.  The President won reelection very comfortably in the Electoral College and in

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Endorsements on Parade: Our One Hundredth, Our Choice…

If you were to ask politicos eighteen months ago whether they imagined Scott Brown falling in the polls, singeing his fingers as he erratically attempts to burn his opponent, laughter would probably have been the response.  And yet, here we are, with the US Senate

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Our One Hundredth: Tornado Politics Reemerge…

Amidst the innumerable Western Mass name drops that Senator Scott Brown snuck into his local guy shtick during Wednesday’s debate in Springfield, only one was (hopefully) a once-in-a-life time event.  The tornadoes of June 2011 made their Senate debut, albeit briefly in that debate.  Their