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Category Archives: Springfield

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Letting the Firehouse Learn…

Since Springfield’s fiscal crisis began a decade ago, the ebbs and flows of financial distress have rocked few departments as much as the Fire Department. A critical department, it was often given short shrift by the Control Board, and continues to enjoy less public political

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On Residency, Where’s the Beef?…

UPDATED 12/13/12 3:32PM: An earlier version of this post identified the Patrolmen Union Lawyer as Kevin Boyle. His name is Kevin Coyle. SPRINGFIELD—Since the city’s convoluted residency ordinance has come into vogue at the City Council, the emotions of councilors and labor leaders alike have

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Briefings: A Day of Departures…

UPDATED 7:47PM: For clarity and accuracy. Two significant, but very different departures hit Springfield today. New North Citizens Council Director Michael Denney, 63, died of a heart attack, according to the Republican.  Among the city’s preeminent neighborhood groups, the NNCC also doubled as one of

He Who Would Be Council President…

UPDATED 12/5/12 2:47PM: For clarification of John Lysak’s political affiliation and grammar. Campaigns for the City Council Presidency in Springfield are quite unlike many of the city’s big political fights.  While several important issues go by unnoticed at 36 Court Street, where there is a

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Take My Council, Please: What Lies Beneath?…

SPRINGFIELD—A quiet quick meeting for the Springfield City Council dispensed with numerous housekeeping measures.  However some items sent to committee portend either broader conflicts or a healthy helping of grandstanding. Still recuperating from injuries sustained in August, Ward 3 Councilor Melvin Edwards was absent from

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Sarno’s Communications Director Resigns…

UPDATED: 9:20 PM: To reflect details obtained from the Republican. UPDATED 9:40 PM: To show comments from Councilors. UPDATED 12/4/12 1:22PM: With Tweet from WMassP&I’s twitter account and new reporting. SPRINGFIELD—After five years of a relative calm among the mayor’s inner circle of advisers and

Rating the City’s Values…

SPRINGFIELD—On Thursday night, the annual ritual of setting the city‘s property tax rates made its last road stop in East Forest Park.  Members of the City Council’s tax-setting subcommittee and Board of Assessors Chair Richard Allen presented the city’s tax rates for the next year

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Not Quite Florida, But Unbecoming of Democracy?…

UPDATED 11/21/2012  For Clarity From seven hour lines in Miami-Dade County to false or misleading information on billboards in Pennsylvania to endless counting in Arizona, Election Day 2012 was nothing to be proud of. Voters across the country faced myriad challenges, a reality that runs

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Take My Council, Please: With Firm Resolve…

UDPATED 10/18/12 2:22pm During a relatively quiet meeting at the Springfield City Council, two things were clear.  The Council remains skeptical of the mayor’s budgeting tactics and everybody loves the Student Prince.  Beyond that, much of the evening was focused on a couple of tax

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Take My Council, Please: Twilight Zoning…

UPDATED 9/28: Additional reporting included. The subject matter is complex, esoteric and to some, probably dull. However, Tuesday night the revision of the city’s zoning ordinance packed seats and elicited cheers and jeers from meeting attendees as residents demanded, sometimes bluntly, that Councilors act on