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Category Archives: Springfield

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Take My Council, Please: The Wheels on the Bus Go Round & Round…

SPRINGFIELD—Once again a light agenda confronted the City Council Monday evening. Even divisive and controversial concept like a Council Facebook page were not voted on that night. Most of the city and the region’s attention was focused a couple of miles away at Van Sickle

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Click Your Heels Lesser, There’s No Place like the City of Homes…

SPRINGFIELD—The filing period has yet to close in Massachusetts, but the race for the 1st Hampden & Hampshire Senate district has essentially gelled. Indeed, it is already moving onto the next phase, especially for Eric Lesser, the former White House aide, whose campaign has churned

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Take My Council, Please: It’s Hip to Be a Square…

UPDATED 3/29/14 1:16PM: For grammar. SPRINGFIELD—The City Council’s brief meeting Monday night reflected well both the city broadly and the council’s difficult embracing technology and also the latter’s battle for respect as a branch of the city’s government.  A light agenda greeted councilors including an

Barbieri Sarno

Briefings: Welcome to the Barbieri Coast…

UPDATED 9:19PM: For  response from Arise and news of McFarlin’s retirement and to reflect a correction. Barbieri is the third, not the second Police Commissioner of Springfield. SPRINGFIELD—Backing off from the conventional wisdom, Mayor Domenic Sarno announced the appointment of Deputy Police Chief John Barbieri

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BREAKING: Coakley-Rivera Calling it Quits, New Job in Offing…

UPDATED 11:23PM: To reflect confirmation of details via other news reports and to correctly state a women is running for Gale Candaras’ seat.  A previous version of this story said one was not. SPRINGFIELD—State Representative Cheryl Coakley-Rivera of the 10th Hampden district, Springfield’s only Hispanic

What about Bob (McFarlin)?…

UPDATED 3/17/14 5:52PM: To include details of press release from community groups on McFarlin and his response to the release on Masslive. This post is the third in a series on the debate over Management of the Springfield Police Department. Since announcing how he would

Editorial: The Brake Is the One on the Left, Mr. Mayor…

The speed at which the city has careened toward succession in the Police Department has raised the alarm among many in the community, especially as many have sought to alter the setup of Police Management in the city of Springfield. Mayor Domenic Sarno has announced

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New England Cities All Over the Map on Police Management…

This post is the second in a series on the debate over Management of the Police Department in Springfield. Since the debate to reform Police leadership has begun in Springfield, Mayor Domenic Sarno has employed a number of legal and rhetorical arguments to halt the