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Category Archives: Springfield

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To Take on the 9th Hampden as a Client…

SPRINGFIELD—The 9th Hamdpen Democratic primary shares some similarities with Peter Murphy’s run for the School Committee seat that covers wards 2 & 8.  A great deal of those wards are in the district and Murphy has experience in low turnout electoral affairs. However, in other

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As History Has Shown, Don’t Bet Against Ivette…

UPDATED 9/8/14 2:00AM: For grammar. SPRINGFIELD—The campaign for state representative in the 10th Hamdpen District differs greatly from the last time it was open. There has been no truly open race for the seat in its modern incarnation. When Anthony Scibelli took the seat in

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10th Hampden’s AQCA Debate Team Hunger Force…

SPRINGFIELD—Against the brightly painted enclosed courtyard of Classical Condominiums, the three Democrats seeking the nomination for the 10th Hampden House seat sat facing the crowd seated in stacking chairs. Few in the room probably realized that the last time the seat had a truly competitive

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Take My Council, Please: Allow Us to Clarify…

UPDATED 8/26/14 1:04AM: For clarity and for confirmation of the mayor’s signature on the home rule petition and to note Councilor Ramos’s abstention. SPRINGFIELD—The City Council awoke from its annual summer break to take up housekeeping items, largely financial orders for a host of capital

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Carlos Gonzalez’s Second Act in Political Life…

SPRINGFIELD—An open legislative seat in a predominantly minority area may come only once in a while. Very rarely does the same person have two opportunities within a relatively short period of time. However, with the woman who won it from him the first time now

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History of the (Council’s) World: Part Allen…

UPDATED 8/17/14 11:00AM: For grammar & clarity. As a general matter, since the return of Springfield City Council has avoided the banality and pettiness that sometimes typify other Valley municipal legislatures. Without a doubt both happen at 36 Court Street, but it does not tend to

The Tosado Experience…Coming to a Beacon Hill Near You?…

UPDATED 8/5/14 2:14PM: For additional quotes from Cruz & Markey. SPRINGFIELD—On some level, running for State Representative is much different from the other races Jose Tosado has tried to win. Tosado always ran in the whole city whether for school committee, city council or mayor.

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Take My Council, Please: According to the Latest Poll…

SPRINGFIELD—A relatively quiet agenda Monday night made for a hefty number of speakers at the beginning of the meeting and then a fight over polling places. The Council’s few summertime meetings usually make for packed schedules, but overwhelmingly the items in play were small financial

T.J. Plante

Springfield’s Chancellor of the Exchequer…

UPDATED 7/14/14 4:02PM: For grammar, clarity, and additional quotes & links. Welcome to the Sunday Feature: An effort to bring you lengthier, more in-depth stories on some Sundays. SPRINGFIELD—“More than sufficient, the budget passes.” Those six words from City Council President Michael Fenton on Jun