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Category Archives: Springfield

Briefings: The Fenton Council Presidency, Part II…

SPRINGFIELD—With the latest election cycle concluded, eyes are beginning to turn to 2015. While it is too early to know exactly what to expect from next year’s elections, the City Council appears set to reelect Ward 2 Councilor Michael Fenton as its president for another

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Editorial: Springfield in a Post-Casino Referendum World…

The question of whether casinos are coming to Massachusetts and Springfield in particular is decided. Voters last week, as expected, retained the law establishing the “resort-style” facilities by a margin more or less consistent with polling. We opposed the law, opined against MGM Springfield and

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No Place Like the City of Homes for Charlie Baker?…

Charlie Baker may be the next governor of Massachusetts, but the commonwealth remains solidly Democratic country. Unlike Bill Weld who for a time had a veto-proof majority or Paul Cellucci who had something to gain—ambassadorship to Canada—Baker has little reason not play ball with Beacon Hill

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Fiscal Records Ripple out to a Rep Race & Mass House GOP…

Can a race in the general election for state rep or more accurately about twenty of them connect to a intraparty fight within the GOP? That appears to be a serious question as Republicans challenge Democratic incumbents in the Pioneer Valley and across the commonwealth.


Take My Council, Please: On Biomass, Voting Pro Bono Publico…

SPRINGFIELD—Facing almost no resistance in either votes or oratory, the City Council voted Monday night, in effect, to continue its role in the battle against the proposed biomass power plant on Page Boulevard. Former City Councilor and City Solicitor Patrick Markey made an offer to


Take My Council, Please: Facing a Changing Climate…

SPRINGFIELD—But for one item that prompted a colorful rally and march on City Hall before it, the City Council confronted a light and uncontroversial agenda Monday night. A resolution in support of the city adopting a climate action plan drew costumed environmentalists, larger than life

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Editorial: Patrick’s Journey into the Westinghouse…

SPRINGFIELD—One of the most overdone political tropes in this state political cycle is talk of how the outcome on November 4 affects the legacy of Gov. Deval Patrick. But Patrick’s legacy will transcend whatever the next governor does and part of that legacy will include

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Make a Motion to Call the Question 3…

Four ballot questions will face voters’ judgment this November. Not only is this a fairly large amount of questions, but all of them are deep, substantive issues with far-reaching implications. That may be a little bit of an overstatement on some questions, but there is

Springfield Council chambers

Editorial: Your Own Counsel Will You Keep…

It was a little more than two weeks ago that the Springfield City Council did something it so rarely does. The body voted 12-1 to both assert the power it is imbued—power that it actually holds exclusively—and harness it for a cause that is not


Take My Council, Please: In Appeal, Reaching Critical Biomass…

UPDATED 9/12/14 4:18PM: To clarify that Sarno’s action does not, in itself, terminate the Council’s appeal. He may or may not authorize funds, but he does not have the discretion to authorize the appeal itself or not. SPRINGFIELD—In a decisive move to continue the battle against