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Category Archives: Springfield

Kency Gilet

Briefings: Is Victory within the Ken of Ward 2 Challenger?…

UPDATED 8:47AM: To reflect a correction. Gilet grew up in Nanuet, N.Y., not the Bronx. SPRINGFIELD—Standing only yards away from a success his opponent highlights on the trail, Kency Gilet formally launched his Council bid with an eye toward better connecting residents with City Hall.

Take My Council, Please: Are You As Cold As ICE?…

SPRINGFIELD—Donald Trump’s policies, like his “Mexico-financed” wall, face push back everywhere. It is no different here. However, an effort to urge Springfield’s Finest to stay out of immigration enforcement ran aground procedural complaints and clerical minutiae. The result was a flip from the prior regular

Briefings: Fenton Takes on New Challenge—Contested Reelection…

SPRINGFIELD—Since becoming the first ward representative for Ward 2 since the dawn of the Kennedy era and the city’s youngest city councilor, Michael Fenton has faced no opposition. Every remaining ward councilor from the class of 2009 has nevertheless faced opposition of some kind. Fenton’s

Briefings: Moriarty-Finn Launches with Eye on MGM, Public Safety…

SPRINGFIELD—The steady drumbeat of the at-large Council race grew a bit louder with the formal kickoff of Kelli Moriarty-Finn’s campaign Tuesday evening. The prospect of a vacancy among the five at-large seats has drawn a sizable and growing field. Both returning challengers and newcomers are

In Springfield, Retooling to Get Campaign Redux in a Row…

SPRINGFIELD—In politics, the City of Homes likes a comeback story. Over the last twenty years, the most successful at-large City Council challengers have made a stab at the office—or even held it—once before. That factor favors Ernesto Cruz and Jesse Lederman as they seek one of five

Take My Council, Please: Gotta Keep on (Food) Trucking…

SPRINGFIELD—Emotion and politics ran high at Monday night’s City Council meeting as a labor pact with district fire chiefs failed and the food truck ordinance returned to committee. Both items faced months or even years of anticipation. The rejection of the labor pact with the

Springfield Council chambers

Quantity & Quality, at Electoral Season’s Start in Springfield…

SPRINGFIELD—An early wave of enthusiasm has greeted the start of only the second mayor-less election cycle in the region’s largest city. A sizable clutch of candidates for City Council and School Committee took out papers Tuesday, the first day they were available for the 2017

Analysis: The One with the Most Social Media Complaints Wins…

Discontent over winter storm cleanups are nothing new in Springfield. It’s hard to compare to the long past, but post-Control Board, inevitably, there are bad cleanups and good ones. The one follow this past Tuesday’s storm was not among the city’s best. It was only

Take My Council, Please: Welcome to the Kwik-E-Meeting…

SPRINGFIELD—A short agenda sailed through the City Council’s Tuesday meeting here without any banality or vainglorious interrogatories. In addition to the usual financial housekeeping and grant acceptances, the meeting’s focused on a new library and new labor pacts set to last into 2020. The early