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Category Archives: Courts & Law

Governor Faceplants in Attempt to Terminate Soldiers’ Home Super…

UPDATED 11:30AM: To include a statement from Walsh’s attorney. A Hampden County Superior Court Judge has sided with the former(ish?) Hoyloke Soldiers’ Home Superintendent, ruling that Governor Charlie Baker’s termination of Bennett Walsh was not valid. The ruling, if upheld, could entitle Walsh to backpay

Hampden Superior Court

Briefings: Baker & Walsh Lay down Cards in Soldiers’ Home Standoff…

The saga of the employment status of once-upon-a-time Holyoke Soldiers’ Home Superintendent Bennett Walsh has reached a critical stage. Both the commonwealth—technically the Home’s Board of Trustees and the state Health & Human Services office—and Walsh filed papers for declaratory judgment on the pleadings. The

Holyoke Soldiers' Home

Filings Drag out—and Muddy—Status of Soldiers’ Home Super…

UPDATED 7/31/20 8:14PM: To note an updated counterclaim from the commonwealth which no longer say the Board did not specifically recommend Walsh. The employment status of Bennett Walsh, the Superintendent of the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home (HSH) at the dawn of the facility’s COVID-19 outbreak, remains

Hampden Superior Court

Court Seems to Put Ice on Swift Defenestration of Walsh…

UPDATED 4:30PM: To include a response from Walsh’s lawyer and details of his reply to the governor’s letter. A day after Governor Charlie Baker announced he was moving to terminate Bennett Walsh, the suspended superintendent of the Holyoke Soldiers Home, a superior court judge slammed

“Wasteful” Arguments May Decide Biomass Fate before Appeals Court…

BOSTON—Appearing before a state appellate court in the latest episode of the long-running battle over a power plant in Springfield, opponents and advocates jousted over a lower court’s 2014 ruling that had suddenly reversed the developer’s losing streak to build the biomass-fueled facility. What started