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All posts by wmasspi


Take My Council, Please: Two Weeks from E-day, Being Seen & Heard…

SPRINGFIELD—With barely two weeks left until Election Day, the City Council’s regular meeting—a hearing meeting is scheduled for next Monday—featured little controversy. It was neither in councilors’ interest or frankly the mayor’s to stir up anything that might move to electorate. Indeed the agenda’s most

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Manic Monday Markup 10/19/15…

…And the World: We begin today in Canada, where polls opened and our neighbor to the north is prepared to vote in an historic election that could see the incumbent Conservative Party and its leader, Stephen Harper, turfed from office. The three month election, the

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 10/13/15…

…And the World: We begin today in the Netherlands where the Dutch Safety Board has released its findings about the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash in Ukraine that killed all 298 aboard. The report says that based on wreckage patterns and sound analysis of the

Briefings: A New Valley Economy, Some Assembly Required…

EAST LONGMEADOW—The whir and hum of machines sorting, folding and packing markers, die and tokens hovered over every station. Different board games boxed for shipment, were packed together in bricks of Sorry, Monopoly, Connect Four and more, to be sent off to retailers or intermediary distributors

Take My Council, Please: The Dollar Tree of Knowledge…

SPRINGFIELD—In a quiet meeting Monday the City Council mostly handled bookkeeping issues, a welcome respite from the more tempestuous gatherings of September. However, there was a vigorous debate about a retail project at a major intersection for traffic—and the divisions within the city. Aside from