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Billy Glidden

And Billy Makes 4; Glidden Joins Holyoke Mayoral Campaign Family…

UPDATED: 4/20/21 1:30PM: To include responses from candidates on Glidden. HOLYOKE—After months of a silent campaign that had included a lead in the fundraising race, William Glidden is formally in. At COVID-compliant backyard gathering here, Glidden former Alex Morse aide, declared his campaign for mayor.

State Office Building Springfield, MA

Has MassDEP Decapitated Springfield Biomass at Long Last?…

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection may have driven a stake through the heart of the nigh-undead biomass power plant proposed for Springfield. In a five-page decision dated April 2, the department said it pulled the air quality permit amid growing public pressure and heightened

Wishing Springfield a Not-Quite-Happy Coronaversary…

SPRINGFIELD—Ranking at or near the bottom by various wealth metrics, the City of Homes looked like a sitting duck as the pandemic crashed upon the United States. In the weeks after the City Council’s March 16 meeting, its last in-person since then, Massachusetts and Connecticut