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All posts by wmasspi

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Merry Chistmas…

I have been AWOL once again. I have been laboring away at my various “brick & mortar” jobs over the past week and a half. Luckily, nothing overly devastating in world or Springfield news has grabbed my attention. I would like to take this opportunity

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Boston Beat: Southie City Hall…

Another one of the serials I hope to expand over time is the Boston beat. For those of you who do not know, I am a college student in Boston. I had always figured that being in Boston is great because I am able to

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OH NO! ‘0-8: Obama…

For the past few couple of weeks, I have been posting sparingly as I attended to my studies. However, I should after the next week have plenty of time for new postings and hope over the winter break get my biggest feat yet up on

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Local Option for Local Implosion…

Before I go on with today’s rant, I want to make something clear. I am not a vehement anti-tax person. Yes. Taxes are not low and fees went up over the past few years. Granted we did have a deficit to plug recently and for

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Information Center Shell Game…

This should not even be an issue. The Technical High School of Springfield, which has sat idle since before I was born has a real chance ton become something more than a rotting hulk. However, legislative infighting over what is a done deal in everything,

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Money and Public Service…

We have not even had the chance to try out the new Congress or State Legislature out for a spin and we are already talking about next year’s municipal election. Now, I admit, this is a consequence of having our elections the year after either

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Trash Talk Continues…

There really isn’t much left to talk about until, at the earliest December 4, when the trial date is to be set to determine the legality of the trash fee.Please forgive me if I have said any of these before. Frankly, they cannot be understated.Should

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Canning the Trash Fee?…

Today, as reported by The Republican and Urban Compass, Judge Constance Sweeney issued a temporary injunction against the city’s collection of the Trash Fee, pending a hearing to deterring its legality. At issue is whether the fee constitutes a tax, which can only be implemented

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Springfield…After November 7th…

The dust is finally settling after last Tuesday’s election. Over the past eleven days, I have been focusing primarily on the deliriously wonderful news of a Democratic taking Congress. I do not share the same pessimistic view of many commentators calling this a Republican loss,