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A Day for Massachusetts Political News…

**UPDATE** Andrea Nuciforo responds to Olver’s Retirement While two out of three of the notes that we are about to bring to you are Senate related, it would not seme to do any justice to just lump them as an edition of Our One Hundredth.

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Manic Monday Markup 10/24/11…

…And the World: The first country that flung off its dictatorship in the Arab Spring became over the weekend, the first to hold free elections over the weekend.  While a moderate Islamist party is expected to take the most votes and, maybe even a slim

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Manic Monday Markup 10/17/11…

…And the World: The French Socialist Party has nominated Francois Hollande to challenge incumbent president Nicolas Sarkozy in next year’s presidential election.  Hollande won the nomination after an American-style primary rather than a more traditional selection via an internal process.  Hollande became the front runner

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Our One Hundredth: Senate Politics for Breakfast…

(WMassP&I) CHICOPEE–At a handful of tables in the Knights of Columbus hall, Democrats in Western Massachusetts’ second largest city, scarfed down a breakfast of eggs, bacon and other staples and presented their own Democrat of the year award.  Area political luminaries were present including the

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown 10/11/11…

Belatedly, Happy Columbus Day. …And the World: Elections in Poland over the weekend made history as the governing Civic Platform won a second term, the first political party in Poland to do so since the fall of Communism.  Prime Minister Donald Tusk led the government

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Boston Beat: Shame…

Of course we are not there, but between street level live cams, an aeriel live cam and tweets from the scene, Boston Police, State Police and Transit Police have cleared Occupy Boston protesters from a second plot of the Rose Kennedy Greenway.  Afterward, sanitation workers

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Our One Hundredth: Pikachu and Scott Brown, Posers All…

Pikachu’s Pose/Taunt in SSBM (Youtube) There’s a bonus in the Gamecube video game Super Smash Bros. Melee (and its sequel) called Poser Poseur.  You earn it if you push your taunt/pose button immediately after another player (or the computer) has just done the same.  To

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Our One Hundredth: A Little Lowell Lovin’…

With the field more or less set, Democrats vying for their party’s nomination to challenge Scott Brown debated for the first time at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell this evening.  The debate was moderated by UMASS-Lowell Chancellor and former representative Martin Meehan with questions from a student