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Manic Monday Markup 11/21/11…

Let’s Talk Turkey: As we approach Thanksgiving, it is crucial that we think of those who have less this holiday season, especially in the wake not one, but two devastating storms that have put incredible strain on families in Springfield and the wider Pioneer Valley. 

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“Occupy” Mothership Goes Down…

 **UPDATE 8:25PM** Protesters have been permitted to return to Zuccotti Park, but under much more restrictive conditions have lost their motion before a judge.  However, questions remain, especially over the treatment of the press and the cover-of-darkness nature of the raid. As you may already

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Manic Monday Markup 11/14/11…

…And the World: Greece and Italy have new Prime Ministers, but there may be little time for a honeymoon as markets coughed and hacked today, the first day after both new leaders were in place.  Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti of Greece and Italy respectively

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Election Detritus 2011: PAST DUE…

Mayor Sarno ( Anybody watching the elections play out in Springfield and the neighboring towns should not really be surprised what transpired.  Mayor eating that may end the latter’s political career and won the city’s first four-year mayoral term.  On the other hand, Bud Williams,

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Manic Monday Markup 11/7/11…

Election Section: Our endorsements for the 2011 municipal election in Springfield can be found here.  Elsewhere in the Valley, we do not deem ourselves educated enough to make an informed decisions.  However, Holyoke has an incredibly close election for mayor between incumbent Elaine Pluta and

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Endorsements on Parade 2011…

Tomorrow is Election Day in the Hoop City and unlike the municipal election of two years ago, much of this election is a snooze.  Yes, the mayoral race was a snooze then, too, but at least we had real races in the wards and to

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A Community of Coffee and Power…

Columbus Avenue Starbucks, Springfield (WMassP&I) With chairs cluttered around the power outlets, the Starbucks in Springfield became something of a refuge for residents from across the region seeking coffee and Internet access.  Seats were full at the Columbus Avenue location just off of Interstate-91 Sunday

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A Real Manic Monday Markup 10/31/11…

…And the World is getting short shrift today. The Feds: The October Snow Bomb that pulverized the Northeast hit hardest in Massachusetts and Connecticut.  However its destruction was widespread encompassing New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other states.  The New York Times reports