Tardy Tuesday Takedown 2/19/13…
UPDATED 2/20/13 8:35AM. Due to an editing error, the name of this week’s tweet prize winner was misspelled. It is Shira Schoenberg, not “Shire.”
…And the World:
We begin today in Israel where the governing coalition is apparently forming, although talks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and major party leaders Yair Lapid and Naphtali Bennett had been stalled. Former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni will be Justice Minister bringing her Hatnah party with her, although the Times of Israeli gives that move the thumbs down alleging opportunism. Haaretz is pessimistic about Livni’s control over negotiating with Palestinians, which will also be in her wheelhouse under her agreement with Netanyahu.
After many months away recuperating from cancer surgery, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has returned home from Cuba. But questions remain as to whether he is really in charge.
Tunisia’s Prime Minister has given up his post after failing to build a coalition of technocrats to lead the country. Hamadi Jebali resigned as leader of the nation that touched off the Arab Spring. Tunisia, which has weathered the transition better than some democratized Arab countries has been rocked since the assassination of a prominent opposition party leader.
The Feds:
President Barack Obama is sounding the alarm bell on sequestration. We will leave at that and wait for next week’s to note the hair on fire.
Over at the Washington Post, Greg Sargent among others have been pressing Obama’s Justice Department to file a brief supporting a broad reading of the Constitution in favor of gay rights originating out of Proposition 8 case from California. Meanwhile, the New York Times has a look at the impact of the current legal regime on an American-British gay couple. They moved to London because the Brit in the relationship, who had been living in New York with temporary visas, could not secure permanent residency.
Also in the Supreme Court, revisiting campaign contributions with a case that could erode our system further.
Rumblings of a challenge to grossly unpopular Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett. Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz has some healthy poll numbers and a ton of cash she could roll over to a state campaign account.
Finally, some must reads out of Connecticut. The Hartford Courant and Frontline look at Nancy Lanza, the slain mother of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza. A bit old, but also a profile of Newtown’s First Selectwoman E. Patricia Llorda.
The State of Things:
He’s at it again. Fox News’ newest employee Scott Brown is still not ruling out a run for governor. More hilariously he said that his Twitter belch, #bqhatewvr, happened due to “pocket tweeting.” There are tons of reactions to this, but the Washignton Post’s “Elequent Pocket” is quite good.
On the Massachusetts Senate front, the only real news is on the Democrats’ side, still. Congressman Stephen Lynch scooped up another union endorsement and is showing gains in polls, but still trailing Congressman Ed Markey. For his part, Markey was in Springfield meeting with the city’s black ministers. Oh, that’s right, the GOP did make some news. Not their candidates, but for blasting Markey’s fundraiser with Eliot Spitzer. Spitzer, the former New York governor, did resign in disgrace, but over a prostitution scandal, not official malfeasance.
Some late breaking news in Boston. At-large Councilor John Connolly is looking at a run for the mayor’s office whether or not incumbent Thomas Menino runs again. That remains an open question, especially since Menino has still raised almost no money. Read David Bernstein’s profile for more on Connolly.
In Holyoke news, a former mayor, Daniel Szostkiewicz, may challenge first-term Alex Morse. At-large Councilor Rebecca Lisi also posted on some of the Ordinance Committee’s doings last year. Lisi is that committee’s chair.
City Slickers:
More good stuff from the Reminder about the casino process in Springfield.
Springfield officials are promising a full investigation into what happened at Kiley Middle School where a twelve year old drowned in the school pool.
Twitter Chatter:
Scott Brown’s bqhatewvr was a Twitter sensation. His explanation is just lame. Indeed, it is not hard to sense the incredulity and, indeed snark behind reporters own words, however unintentional, as it was reported. Today we aware the tweet prize to the Republican’s Shira Shoenberg. Her innocent query, “What is Pocket tweeting,” however earnest, almost seemed armed with the same eye-rolling most journalists, activists and political hangers-on expressed.
So what exactly is pocket tweeting, Scott Brown? tinyurl.com/b4sqacx #MASen #MAPoli
— Shira Schoenberg (@shiraschoenberg) February 19, 2013