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Tag Archives: The Republican

Briefings: At Masslive, a (Promoted) Chief Abides…

Ed Kubosiak, the editor-in-chief of Masslive, received a promotion and title bump to Vice-President of Content for the online news website. The news, announced in an article Masslive posted, underscores the growth of the news site. Execs heaped praise upon Kubosiak, a Southampton resident, for

Briefings: Springfield Republican’s Sheriff Endorsement Leaks Early…

UPDATED 11:04PM: To reflect comments from Republican executive editor Wayne Phaneuf and reflect the editorial’s posting. The Republican newspaper’s endorsement in the Hampden Sheriff’s race got out ahead of schedule, revealing the paper choice in the fiercely contested Democratic primary. Not altogether surprisingly, the editorial

Falling from the Fourth Estate of Grace in the Valley?…

This post is the first in a series on the state of media in the 413. The economic crisis throttling media has hardly bypassed the Pioneer Valley. Big papers like The Republican have thinned considerably. Television news continues its drift to sensationalism. Alternative papers struggle,

Analysis: Coming Soon…We Are Politico. We Are Legion…

Perhaps Politico is not legion yet, but its decision to start Playbooks for other states suggests they are prepared to greatly expand their footprint well beyond the grossly over-reported national political scene. What Politico is proposing is only a start, but if successful, in states like Massachusetts