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Tag Archives: Springfield Police Department

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A Baker’s Ministry for 36 Court Street?…

SPRINGFIELD—It was not too long ago that Salvatore Circosta was on his way to the priesthood.  A whirlwind of events seemingly led him out of direct service to the church and to seeking public service in the city where he grew up.  The proprietor of


Take My Council, Please: Pass Me the Buck…

UPDATED 10/10/13 3:32PM: Comments from the Council’s Public Safety Committee Chair Thomas Ashe added; clarification between last month’s defeated pawnbroker ordinance and the one referred to committee; and confirmation as to when the old holding period was shortened to the current 10 days. SPRINGFIELD—With elections

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Take My Council Please: New Police On Life…

SPRINGFIELD—A rather short agenda made for the rare short meeting Monday night as the Springfield City Council took up a few housekeeping items, albeit ones that will have a notable impact. The items were mostly financial transfers within departments and a few grant acceptances.  At-large

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A License to Buzzkill?…

The Springfield License Commission is apparently prepared to render a decision in response to Mayor Domenic Sarno’s call for closing bars at 1 a.m.  A hearing to be held tomorrow night will include a “final decision” on the matter after months of controversy and questions

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On Transparency and Finance…#Quinning…?

UPDATED 2/12/13 2:38 PM: For grammar & accuracy and to include responses from the mayor’s office & councilors.  NOTE: The original time stamp of this post was 2/11/2013 6:00 PM, but has been altered to bump this story on WMassP&I’s homepage. During the budget debate

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Springfield Police Officer Killed…

The Springfield Republican is reporting that a 36 year veteran of the Springfield Police Department was killed today while responding to a domestic disturbance.  Officer Kevin Ambrose was shot and later died due to injuries sustained along with others at an apartment off of Wilbraham

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The Insight: A Valley of Ashe’s…

Six months ago, as Springfield voted in the shadow of a year of bizarre weather that almost certainly affected the election, a potentially subtler electoral coup emerged besides Domenic Sarno’s landslide victory.  Even as the weather had scrambled the predictions of the city’s punditocracy and

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Not for Entertainment Purposes…

Under any circumstances it cannot be said often enough that we do not believe that Domenic Sarno has anything but the best of intentions for the City of Springfield.  We have often disagreed with his policies, but when we endorsed his opponent last November, our