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Tag Archives: Springfield Community Preservation Committee


Take My Council, Please: The War on Food Additives…

SPRINGFIELD—The Community Preservation Committee’s (CPC) recommendations for the coming year constituted much of the City Council agenda on June 10. However, consideration of the projects did not invite the rancor the other items before the Council did. 

A transfer of free cash to reserves veered off-topic and became heated. By contrast, the sale of a city-owned railroad parcel prompted a barrage of accusations and nonplussed the chamber. 


Take My Council, Please: Another Road to Recovery…

SPRINGFIELD—On Monday, the City Council received a briefing on plans for Springfield’s share of the opioid settlement. Health & Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris explained how her department will build out a response to opiate addiction within the city. Her presentation came with a startling


Take My Council, Please: Aspirations for a City on the Hill…

SPRINGFIELD—A relatively tame agenda before the City Council Monday quickly unraveled into much longer discourses. The body spent a considerable amount of time mediating on technical changes to legal documents. However, the body also had a pair of resolutions backing legislation in the legislature.

Former city councilor and now-Senator Adam Gomez appeared with Westfield Senator John Velis to discuss the firearm legislation.


Take My Council, Please: Now for Some Upper State-ments…

On Monday, the Springfield City Council authorized participation in Community Choice Energy Aggregation (CCA), a state program that lets communities choose their source of electricity.

Authorization triggers a process that will take time to complete. The Council took other actions that, once their processes reach completion, will have more immediate effect.

Take My Council, Please: Supersize That Permit Review!…

SPRINGFIELD—This week the City Council revisited a troubled revision to a drive-through special permit that had hit the skids earlier this year amid an abutter’s complaints. The item has still not achieved passage amid a sluggish review. Frustratingly, the once-complaining neighbor has been MIA, leaving councilors to straighten things out alone with the applicant.