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Tag Archives: Richard Blumenthal

Hartford Courant

Courant Guild and Supporters Make Last Stand against Alden Sale…

HARTFORD—The signs of Connecticut’s largest paper still linger around downtown side streets within view of the State Capitol. The name is everywhere. Lights flash on idled shipping docks. Signs denote parking for Hartford Courant employees though nobody from the paper works at the Broad Street

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Our 100th: Warren and Peace…

Sen. Gillett (Wikipedia) The last Senator for Massachusetts from Western Mass (the four westernmost counties if you think Worcester is Western) was Frederick Gillett.  Prior to serving one term in the US Senate, Gillett represented the 2nd Massachusetts Congressional district, the same that Richard Neal

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Surveying the Wreckage: The View from Beacon Hill…

Gustave Dore’s The Enigma More than two weeks from the election, here in Massachusetts too, bodies litter the political battlefield.  Their stricken bodies lay there, teeth still gnashed, fists clenched, and determined scowls plastered to their faces.  While more than a few Democrats add to