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Tag Archives: Patty Murray

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What is the Matrix…uh, Establishment?…

Opponents of Vietnam War at the Pentagon (wikipedia) The answer to what the “establishment” is has never been clear, but use of the term “establishment” has escalated since it was used as a generic stand-in for the enemies of 60’s radicals.  Today, in political spheres,

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Our 100th: Warren and Peace…

Sen. Gillett (Wikipedia) The last Senator for Massachusetts from Western Mass (the four westernmost counties if you think Worcester is Western) was Frederick Gillett.  Prior to serving one term in the US Senate, Gillett represented the 2nd Massachusetts Congressional district, the same that Richard Neal

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Surveying the Wreckage: Congress…

Nothing beats an election wave, if we want to call it that, than a tsunami of postmortems on the election itself.  And WMassP&I, never shy to mouth off, would be remiss to not join this cacophony.  The Republicans took 60+ seats in the House and