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Tag Archives: Patrick T. Leahy

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The Primary Numbers: A Remainder of 5 Races…

For the remainder of the races, we shall keep our endorsements brief. Certainly, we could go on & on about any of these candidates and races. However, with time actually running out to influence the electorate, brevity carries the day over intricate analysis. To see

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Hopewell Springs Eternal for a Contrast…

WESTFIELD—Following years of political malpractice and perhaps poor judgment of electoral strength, Democrats are in a prime position to take back the 2nd Hampden and Hampshire district from Senator Don Humason, who won the seat in a special election last year. However, Democrats first must

Massachusetts State House

Would Be Senators, This Is Your Arena…

UPDATED 12:54PM: For confirmation Brewer is retiring and a previous version of this story indicated that Ludlow School Committee Member Chip Harrington would enter the 1st Hampden & Hampshire race as an independent. New information says he will run as a Democrat, setting up a primary