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Tag Archives: Mike Fenton

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Campaign Dollars/Common Cents Predictions…

For the first time since Springfield abolished its old system of government and ushered in a strong mayor-council government, and possibly ever, the city will hold a municipal election without the mayor on the ballot. Boston is the only other city in Massachusetts with more

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Take My Council, Please: The Conception of Priorities…

UPDATED 3/8/13 12:56PM: Photograph of current Springfield Senior Center added. SPRINGFIELD—During a particularly policy-heavy evening, taking form in both ordinance and other measure, the City Council confronted a host of issue from finance to foreclosures to bonding.  However, while some of the more substantive debate

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Take My Council, Please: Topping the Billboard Charts…

UPDATED 8:56 PM: For, clarity,  grammar, and inclusion of links. UPDATED 2/28/13 3:09PM: For accuracy. SPRINGFIELD—Among the powers of the City Council, few bring about more unpredictable results than the exercise of its permit-granting authority.  For whatever reason, the special-permit granting authority of the city

Springfield City Hall Snow

The Winter of Our Discontent…

SPRINGFIELD—As warming temperatures and city crews were finally and fully conquering last weekend’s snow fall, City Councilors were taking Department of Public Works officials to task for a recovery called inadequate and “dangerous.”  DPW Chief Allan Chwalek faced withering criticism and probing questions even as

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Take My Council, Please: That’s Out of Order!…

SPRINGFIELD—The order of items on the City Council’s agenda is defined by the Council’s rules.  Items that fall under certain categories are grouped together and then listed in a certain order, each item assigned a number.  The Council may, by unanimous consent take things out

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On Transparency and Finance…#Quinning…?

UPDATED 2/12/13 2:38 PM: For grammar & accuracy and to include responses from the mayor’s office & councilors.  NOTE: The original time stamp of this post was 2/11/2013 6:00 PM, but has been altered to bump this story on WMassP&I’s homepage. During the budget debate

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Reason, Political Fear May Have Assigned Committes…

UPDATED 1/19/13: For grammar and clarity. SPRINGFIELD—Defying the low expectations of many City Council watchers, Council President and at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera appointed the Council’s committees, but without the inequitable and punitive air that characterized last year’s appointments.  Chairs of committees were spread among councilors,

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Who, Not What, Should Now Go to Committee?…

UPDATED 1/11/13 4:56PM: For Clarity SPRINGFIELD—The Springfield City Council formally installed at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera for another year-long term as the body’s president before a chamber filled with department heads, supporters and family. The new term begins a year after Ferrera started his first term

Springfield City Hall

The Year in Springfield 2012…

UPDATED 11:51PM: For clarity, grammar and accuracy. Another year, and another raucous political era in the City of Homes.  Everything from local politics at 36 Court Street to the Presidential election had their impacts upon Springfield.  Petty politics reigned early on at the City Council,


Take My Council, Please: What Have We Learned?…

Two potentially historic throw downs in the Springfield City Council chamber ended with barely a whimper Monday night.  The Council selected its president for the 2013 term and approved the first step of changes to the fire commissioner’s qualifications.  Both had the potential to get