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Tag Archives: Matt Gorzkowicz

Maura Healey

Healey Signs Chapter 90 Road Bill with Supplements, but Not a Baseline Boost…

MELROSE—Governor Maura Healey signed a bill on May 3 that dispersed the state’s annual Chapter 90 road funds. Named after its chapter of the general laws, the money is essentially a type of aid to cities and towns. Flanked by legislators and finance, transportation, and municipal officials in this cozy Boston suburb, with the stroke of a pen, Healey made available $375 million for transportation work statewide. 

Healey Gorzkowicz

April Revenue May Be the Last Sharp Turn for Healey in FY2024’s Wild Ride…

The $6.32 billion in collections for April, which yields the largest haul each year because taxes are due this month, zoomed $1.03 billion over benchmarks. It surpassed last April’s take by over one and a half billion dollars.

Despite the ruddy complexion of the economy, both nationally and in the commonwealth, Governor Maura Healey has had to contend with wild gyrations in state revenue.