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Tag Archives: Bud Williams

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Analysis: Sarno’s Police Powers…

UPDATED 4:20PM: For a new link, grammar and clarity. Everyone knew a changing of the guard on Pearl Street was coming, but the swiftness of Mayor Domenic Sarno’s announcement that he would be selecting a new Police Commissioner from the ranks of the city’s deputy

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2014 Committees Signed, Sealed, Delivered, but There’s More…

SPRINGFIELD—The new City Council President moved quickly only a day after his election to appoint committees for the Council’s 2014 term.  Ward 2 Councilor Michael Fenton shuffled the seats on the Council’s committee Tuesday and announced the formation of two policy-centric proactive committees, which will

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Take My Council, Please: Short & Sweet near the Bitter End…

UPDATED 12/5/13 10:57AM: To reflect a CORRECTION.  Upon reviewing the tape of Monday’s council meeting, neither the Fire nor the Police Commission ordinances received first step.  They were both referred to committee. SPRINGFIELD—This Monday at its penultimate regular meeting of the term (there is a

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Take My Council, Please: The (Thirteenth) Day After…

SPRINGFIELD—Not quite two weeks after voters went to the polls, the Springfield City Council got back to work grinding out its last meetings of the new year.  Tackling a modest, but diverse agenda, the tenor of the meeting was largely restrained and positive. Council President

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BREAKING: Fenton To Be Next Springfield Council President…

UPDATED 4:51PM: For grammar and to reflect details from Fenton’s release. Please Email editor for prior version of this story. In the aftermath of Tuesday’s election among the upheavals will be the selection of the City Council president.  Although defeated at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera was

Hurst Campaign a Bid for Springfield’s Next Generation..

SPRINGFIELD—For years demographers and policy makers have raised concerns that Massachusetts’s third largest city and its region is suffering from brain drain.  Its best and brightest were packing up and moving on.  As bad as that problem was, its families, too were increasingly eschewing Springfield

Springfield Council Debate a Battle of Facts, Display of Style…

SPRINGFIELD—Three incumbents.  Three challengers.  Two-thirds of the field for the at-large City Council race appeared Wednesday evening for a debate at American International College for the at-large seats on the City Council.  It was a debate that featured differing styles among both the challengers and


Take My Council, Please: Pass Me the Buck…

UPDATED 10/10/13 3:32PM: Comments from the Council’s Public Safety Committee Chair Thomas Ashe added; clarification between last month’s defeated pawnbroker ordinance and the one referred to committee; and confirmation as to when the old holding period was shortened to the current 10 days. SPRINGFIELD—With elections