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Tag Archives: Bill Mahoney

Employee Residency Battle Ignites Anew in Springfield…

UPDATED 10:26AM: For grammar & clarity. Touching off a fresh battle in a politically fraught issue, the Springfield City Council voted to strengthen the city’s employee residency ordinance Monday night. As expected, if surprisingly quickly, Mayor Domenic Sarno vetoed the measure the next day and sent

Springfield Council chambers

Analysis: The Rusting Rule of Law in Springfield…

UPDATED 9:17AM: For grammar & clarity. Last week the Springfield City Council stood up and demanded that Mayor Domenic Sarno (as well as other appointing authorities) fulfill their obligations and appoint individuals to dormant boards and commissions of the city. As important as that public

Take My Council, Please: Thrown under the School Bus Funding…

SPRINGFIELD—Cameras and unfunded mandates were the order of the day at the City Council Monday night. These two items dominated much of the agenda with the remainder of the agenda dispensed somewhat expediently. Council President Michael Fenton informed the Council at-large Councilor Thomas Ashe and


Take My Council, Please: We Didn’t Start the Fire…

UPDATED 9:52 PM: NEPR reports confirm Mayor Sarno has signed the casino ethics ordinance. SPRINGFIELD—Amid some uncertainty about details in the new contract, approval of the city’s pact with its firefighters—the first in years—was nearly derailed as officials scrambled to secure the details. While ultimately

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Take My Council, Please: Allow Us to Clarify…

UPDATED 8/26/14 1:04AM: For clarity and for confirmation of the mayor’s signature on the home rule petition and to note Councilor Ramos’s abstention. SPRINGFIELD—The City Council awoke from its annual summer break to take up housekeeping items, largely financial orders for a host of capital

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Take My Council, Please: Band of Brotherhood of Police Officers…

SPRINGFIELD—In a victory for organized labor, the City Council unanimously approved an arbitration award, securing a contract between the city and it’s the International Brother Hood of Police Officers, Local 364 through July 2016.  Despite fears that the mayor’s office was maneuvering to kill the

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Proposing a Monday Night Massacre…

Edited for Clarity This is a developing story, more details will be added when we have them. SPRINGFIELD—In defiance of Constitutional concerns and contractual obligations,  at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera will introduce an ordinance Monday that would cancel existing waivers and potentially lead to a flurry