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Category Archives: Veterans

Hampden Superior Court

Court Seems to Put Ice on Swift Defenestration of Walsh…

UPDATED 4:30PM: To include a response from Walsh’s lawyer and details of his reply to the governor’s letter. A day after Governor Charlie Baker announced he was moving to terminate Bennett Walsh, the suspended superintendent of the Holyoke Soldiers Home, a superior court judge slammed

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Take My Council, Please: Education Economics…

 *Update: The US Senate ratified the President’s New START treaty with a united Democratic caucus and 13 Republicans including Mass. Senator Scott Brown.  Media outlets report the margin may have been higher absent the DADT vote, but it passed nonetheless, capping a tremendous lame-duck session

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Surveying the Wreckage: The Message from Obama…

Although it will probably not be the 11th, when most are reading this, we would like to take an opportunity to recognize that it is Veterans Day.  Unique among most federal holidays in that it does not float to the nearest Monday, Veterans Day was