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Category Archives: US House of Representatives

Richie Neal Making Rank in an Uncertain Time…

SPRINGFIELD—Last month United States Representative Richard Neal was visiting Union Station once again, this time to unveil the waiting room’s restored clock. Neal is always beaming during visits to the station, but the renovation impending completion will close a chapter in his career. Nearly 40

Coast to Coast Battle Yields a Man of Ways & Means…

Less than 48 hours into the race for ranking member on the House Ways & Means Committee, Springfield Congressman Richard Neal appears victorious as his only competitor withdraws. Los Angeles Democrat Xavier Becerra, who jumped into the race Tuesday night, has announced he will accept

For Neal, Where There’s a Will, There May be a Ways & Means…

UPDATED 5:30PM: For grammar and clarity. Six years ago US Representative Sander Levin, a Michigan Democrat, narrowly overcame his colleague Richard Neal’s bid to be Democratic party’s ranking member on the powerful Ways & Means Committee. Levin said Tuesday he was stepping aside, but Neal is

The Historian from Massachusetts: Richard Neal’s Foreign Policy…

SPRINGFIELD—Spend enough time with US Representative Richard Neal, the dean of the Massachusetts US House delegation and it becomes clear he takes the idea of “What’s past is prologue” seriously. Whether at Union Station or a Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony, the former history teacher considers