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Category Archives: Springfield


Take My Council, Please: Breaking Up with Land Is Hard to Do…

SPRINGFIELD—Following a more scintillating conversation with the city’s State Senators on the budget, the City Council held its first full meeting in nearly a month clearing end of fiscal year transfers, committee reports and somewhat embarrassing special act. Following one of the bigger WTF moments

Springfield City Council 2014

In the Community, What and to Whom Things Are Granted…

UPDATED: 3:30PM: For grammar and clarity. SPRINGFIELD—On the surface, last week’s Committee of the Whole meeting seemed to be a dispute about casino jobs. However, complaints that the job training program is available only to certain residents of the city belie a broader mistrust, one that has grown up

Briefings: Could Yet Another Mayoral Candidate Arise?…

UPDATED 4/2/15 3:53PM: To reflect confirmation from Bewsee and new comments from her. Papers were only available yesterday, but it seems a major political cycle is underway in Springfield with word that another potential candidate has dipped a toe into the mayoral pool. Arise for

Editorial: We May Say We Are Dreamers, but We Can’t Be Only That…

A week after MGM’s groundbreaking and the sanguine, if sometimes adrift Vision 2017 presentation, the glow from both has dimmed. A sober assessment of city’s economic future can now be had. Once we get beyond the fact that only Ted Cruz invoked “imagine” more than Vision 2017

Analysis: Groundbreaking Made for TV, Edited for Language & Content…

SPRINGFIELD—It was a made for TV moment: the confetti, the standard mound of dirt, and the construction equipment. With great fanfare, gushing speeches and conveniently clear weather, MGM Springfield had its groundbreaking in the South End with the damaged Zanetti School as a backdrop. The

Take My Council, Please: What Has Been Will Be Again…

SPRINGFIELD—An agenda of some consequence confronted the City Council last night, as it echoed past debates and issues. From lobbying the PVTA to police oversight, these matters have been before the Council several times in recent years. A hint of frustration with Beacon Hill was

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Briefings: Circosta Camp Confirms Kickoff…

Springfield resident and former bakery owner Salvatore Circosta has confirmed his campaign for mayor in a press release issued earlier today. Touting his community outreach while running his bakery & cafe at the X, the release said he would make his formal announcement Thursday at

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Springfield Politics Go Bragh? At a Few Events, Yes…

UPDATED 3/24/15 8:47PM: For a Correction. A previous version of this post incorrectly identified Don Ashe as the Register of Probate. He is the Register of Deeds. UPDATED 3/23/15 2:25PM: With expanded comments from Aaron Saunders. SPRINGFIELD—Like many old industrial cities, the Irish have a prominent