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Category Archives: Springfield Municipal Election 2015

Mike Fenton Seems to Be Everywhere, but Where Is He Going?…

UPDATED 3/8/15 7:34PM: For grammar and clarity. SPRINGFIELD—Mike Fenton might have never joined the City Council. In early 2009, Fenton had a tuition-free offer from Western New England’s law school, but his choice was BC Law, even though he would incur a six-figure debt to

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At His Kickoff, Far More than a Game of Follow the Lederman…

SPRINGFIELD—Entering after a rousing introduction from his political mentor E. Henry Twiggs, longtime city activist Jesse Lederman, a McKnight neighborhood resident, formally kicked off his bid for City Council at-large Wednesday night. Promising to bring a smarter, more innovative direction to 36 Court Street, Lederman called

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Millennials A-Massing: The Wunderkinder Start off Early These Days…

UPDATED 1/12/15 1:20AM: For grammar & clarity. Since Senator Edward Kennedy’s death in 2009, Massachusetts has endured a near endless election cycle that at last ended last November. While countless cities like Holyoke and Springfield will hold municipal elections this year, young candidate running in