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Category Archives: Springfield City Council


Take My Council, Please: The Allen, Er, Maple Parsons Project…

At its November 14 meeting, the Springfield City Council confronted a largely ho-hum agenda of financial orders. However, one item revisited the scars of the tornado. Despite opposition from some, the Council approved Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for the renovation of the Parsons Apartment block at 169 Maple Street.

Springfield City Council

SURPRISE! Springfield Will Actually Hold a Special Election for Ward 5…

When word got around that now-former Ward 5 City Councilor Marcus Williams was resigning, councilors winced at what lay ahead. Last year, they had to appoint a replacement for Senator Adam Gomez after he resigned his Ward 1 seat.

Little did anybody in City Hall realize, councilors’ role in filling vacant ward seats no longer existed.