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Category Archives: Springfield City Council


Take My Council, Please: And Without Further Delay…

SPRINGFIELD—With a burst of legislation and a handful of grants, the City Council here closed out the year and, for that matter, itself with the last bit of business before the new year and the new Council is sworn.  After some deliberation on a new

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2013 An Election Odyssey: Jimmy Eat World…

UPDATED 9:41PM: For grammar and minor edits. This is the third post in a series analyzing the results of the 2013 election. SPRINGFIELD—In retrospect, at-large Councilor Jimmy Ferrera may owe his political career to chance.  When former State Senator and later clerk of courts Brian

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Take My Council, Please: Short & Sweet near the Bitter End…

UPDATED 12/5/13 10:57AM: To reflect a CORRECTION.  Upon reviewing the tape of Monday’s council meeting, neither the Fire nor the Police Commission ordinances received first step.  They were both referred to committee. SPRINGFIELD—This Monday at its penultimate regular meeting of the term (there is a

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Take My Council, Please: The (Thirteenth) Day After…

SPRINGFIELD—Not quite two weeks after voters went to the polls, the Springfield City Council got back to work grinding out its last meetings of the new year.  Tackling a modest, but diverse agenda, the tenor of the meeting was largely restrained and positive. Council President

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2013 An Election Odyssey Editorial: A Diversity of Lessons…

This is the second post in a series analyzing the results of the 2013 election. Last Tuesday was a big day in Springfield.  The turnout was embarrassing, but the result was historic.  Both the City Council and School Committee will feature a majority of minorities

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Endorsements on Parade: Springfield City Council 2013…

It is that time of the year once again.  Election Day is only two days away.  Please take a moment to visit the Secretary of the Commonwealth‘s website to learn where your polling place is, but also your ward to know what races you will

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Millennials A-Massing: A Taste of the West…

Welcome to the Sunday Feature: A new effort to bring you lengthier, more in-depth stories on some Sundays. This is the second of a two-part series on a two-part series on younger candidates in Massachusetts politics. HOLYOKE—Could Holyokers entrust a young, energetic native son with

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Ward 1 Challenger Claudio Says His Focus is on Future Generations…

SPRINGFIELD—Despite limited exposure, the Springfield municipal election features some fierce races both among at-large and ward candidates.  The North End-Downtown based Ward 1 election is probably the race ripest for an incumbent defeat and centered in a place where some of the city’s most potent

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Does the Council Rooke Before it Leaps?…

SPRINGFIELD—The Dean of the Springfield City Council may have summed it up best himself. “I think people are still trying to figure me out,” at-large Councilor Tim Rooke said, contemplating his place in the city’s politics. Rooke, who has served on the Council since 1995,

Springfield Council Debate a Battle of Facts, Display of Style…

SPRINGFIELD—Three incumbents.  Three challengers.  Two-thirds of the field for the at-large City Council race appeared Wednesday evening for a debate at American International College for the at-large seats on the City Council.  It was a debate that featured differing styles among both the challengers and