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Category Archives: Springfield City Council

Sarno’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Passes 11 to Fenton…

SPRINGFIELD—For the second year in a row, Mayor Domenic Sarno’s municipal budget achieved passage without any modification from the City Council. The $594.9 million spending plan was touted for needing no reserves or layoffs to bridge deficits. However, councilors did express reservations about the city’s

“Wasteful” Arguments May Decide Biomass Fate before Appeals Court…

BOSTON—Appearing before a state appellate court in the latest episode of the long-running battle over a power plant in Springfield, opponents and advocates jousted over a lower court’s 2014 ruling that had suddenly reversed the developer’s losing streak to build the biomass-fueled facility. What started

Take My Council, Please: Thrown under the School Bus Funding…

SPRINGFIELD—Cameras and unfunded mandates were the order of the day at the City Council Monday night. These two items dominated much of the agenda with the remainder of the agenda dispensed somewhat expediently. Council President Michael Fenton informed the Council at-large Councilor Thomas Ashe and


Take My Council, Please: Breaking Up with Land Is Hard to Do…

SPRINGFIELD—Following a more scintillating conversation with the city’s State Senators on the budget, the City Council held its first full meeting in nearly a month clearing end of fiscal year transfers, committee reports and somewhat embarrassing special act. Following one of the bigger WTF moments

Briefings: It’s Official. Round 4 in Ward 8…

SPRINGFIELD—Following his defeat in 2013 at the hands of his longtime rival, Orlando Ramos, it was quite possible John Lysak would not seek to take back the seat he had held since 2010. Yet, after three similarly casted elections, two of which he did win,

Springfield City Council 2014

In the Community, What and to Whom Things Are Granted…

UPDATED: 3:30PM: For grammar and clarity. SPRINGFIELD—On the surface, last week’s Committee of the Whole meeting seemed to be a dispute about casino jobs. However, complaints that the job training program is available only to certain residents of the city belie a broader mistrust, one that has grown up

Take My Council, Please: What Has Been Will Be Again…

SPRINGFIELD—An agenda of some consequence confronted the City Council last night, as it echoed past debates and issues. From lobbying the PVTA to police oversight, these matters have been before the Council several times in recent years. A hint of frustration with Beacon Hill was

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Springfield Politics Go Bragh? At a Few Events, Yes…

UPDATED 3/24/15 8:47PM: For a Correction. A previous version of this post incorrectly identified Don Ashe as the Register of Probate. He is the Register of Deeds. UPDATED 3/23/15 2:25PM: With expanded comments from Aaron Saunders. SPRINGFIELD—Like many old industrial cities, the Irish have a prominent