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Category Archives: Massachusetts Senate

Lesser First Year Yields Much Despite Sluggish Beacon Hill…

CHICOPEE—The image, especially in the social media era, is familiar: a politician reading to a classroom of children. Indeed, Senator Eric Lesser had actually read to students at Fairview Elementary School before. Taken in isolation such visits may seem somewhat unremarkable. Yet visits like this

Briefings: A New Valley Economy, Some Assembly Required…

EAST LONGMEADOW—The whir and hum of machines sorting, folding and packing markers, die and tokens hovered over every station. Different board games boxed for shipment, were packed together in bricks of Sorry, Monopoly, Connect Four and more, to be sent off to retailers or intermediary distributors

Analysis: Mass. FY2016 Budget Winners & Losers (but of What?)…

On balance the budget passed by the legislature and under review by Governor Charlie Baker is not bad. Like many a budget, it includes goodies for members, some substantive, others less so. One non-politician political winner is the poor, who saw the Earned Income Tax

Editorial: Senate Adds Progress and Progressivity to Its Budget…

This week the Massachusetts Senate made a long overdue move in a fiscally responsible way that reflects the needs of our commonwealth and its neediest citizens. By a 29-11 vote—sufficient to override a veto if the House concurs—the Senate voted to permanently freeze the income

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Senate Conversations Start in the Massachusetts Occident…

HOLYOKE—Capping off a whirlwind day in Western Massachusetts with a listening session, all five of the 413’s senators joined by three of their Eastern colleagues closed out the first Massachusetts Senate “commonwealth conversation.” It was hardly their last, however. The brainchild of newly installed Senate

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From the 413 to Boston, Stan’s Senate Begins to Take Shape…

This is the second in a series of posts on the new 189th Massachusetts General Court sworn on January 7. With the new session officially underway, newly-minted Massachusetts Senate President Stanley Rosenberg released the details of his leadership team as well as seantors’ committee assignments