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Category Archives: Holyoke

With Council Set to Shrink, Will Hands That Rock Policy Rule Holyoke?…

HOLYOKE—Ten were on stage for Monday’s debate, but come November 7, four will go home including at least two incumbents. Given the tamest—or perhaps least vitriolic—mayoral campaign in years, the at-large Council race has grabbed residents’ attention. Though all eight incumbents are seeking reelection, a

In Holyoke Prelim, Morse Emerges Strong, Ferreira Lives to Fight..

HOLYOKE—Facing their first ever election to choose a mayor to serve four years, voters here displayed a mix of blah and Morse-mentum catapulting the incumbent Alex Morse and former city councilor Jason Ferreira into the November election. That face-off headlines a Fall campaign season which

Campaigning to Find the Holyoke Sixth Ward Sense…

UPDATED 7/14/17 9:06PM: For grammar & clarity. HOLYOKE—A game of musical chairs—and mayoral ambition—left three of the Paper City’s ward seats on the City Council open(ish) in 2015. Spirited contests to fill them followed. That was on top of a massive at-large field for eight

To Last on Holyoke’s Shrinking Council, Lisi Needs to Move up…

HOLYOKE—Thanks to charter amendments voters approved in 2015, City Hall is undergoing some changes this year. While the prospect of a four-year term thrilled Alex Morse supporters at his mayoral kickoff Monday, shifts in the other branch of city government engender a bit more doubt.

Briefings: Ferreira Starts with Lighter Touch in Bid to Oust Morse…

HOLYOKE—The carved horses and lights of the city’s 1920’s merry-go-round whirled in its pavilion. The near-perfect New England weather wafted through the open doors. With City Hall looming to the north, supporters of Jason Ferreira gathered at Heritage State Park for his mayoral campaign kickoff.

Briefings: Morse Campaign 4.0 Launches in Holyoke…

HOLYOKE—Surrounded by many of the supporters he has accumulated over six years in office, Alex Morse kicked off his third reelection bid as mayor here. In the banquet hall of the Delaney House, he laid out some of his accomplishments and reiterated the optimism about

Analysis: CPA Battle Perhaps a Chapter of Holyoke Change…

The full Holyoke City Council ended the stalemate over the Community Preservation Act (CPA) ordinance last Tuesday by voting to override Mayor Alex Morse’s veto and enacting the bill. The ordinance, which establishes the city’s Community Preservation Committee (CPC), sailed through the Council early last

Can Council & Community Come Together to Preserve Holyoke?…

Further UPDATED 3/8/17 12:13PM: Holyoke Councilors approved the CPA ordinance Tuesday night, but an amended now requires a 2/3 vote to remove CPC members before their term is up. UPDATED 11:48AM: Holyoke Mayor Morse says he will veto the CPA ordinance if the Council passes it with

Political Earthquake Hits Holyoke with Jourdain Retirement…

UPDATED 2/22/2017 8:09M: To include comments Jourdain gave to The Republican and quotes from Mayor Morse’s statement on Facebook and to reflect a correction. A previous version of this post incorrectly identified the former Ward 6 councilor as Thomas McGee. He is Todd McGee. The