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All posts by wmasspi

Checking into the Money Race in 2020’s Local Dem Primaries…

by Michael Lachenmeyer Correspondent-Intern In June and July, candidates competing in three races spanning Hampden County fought to win over voters while also doing their best to boost their fundraising numbers. While the novel coronavirus has upended many normal aspects of campaigning, the money race

Neal in Pittsfield

Briefings: To Protect the PO from Trump, Neal Heads West…

PITTSFIELD—While attempting to maintain social-distancing along a narrow strip of sidewalk outside the post office here, US Representative Richard Neal and local officials condemned the chicanery of Donald Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Allegedly undertaken to save money, the changes to the United States Postal

Duryea factory

The 9th Hampden in Profile and in Springfield History…

By Michael Lachenmeyer Correspondent-Intern When the 9th Hampden District was first established, it covered several small rural communities to the south and west of Springfield proper, including the towns of Agawam, Southwick, and Granville. However, over the course of the late 19th century, the borders