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All posts by wmasspi

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Springfield and the World…

As most I am sure do not know, Springfield and the World has been this blogs unofficial slogan since signing on. Since I have yet to get access to a powerful editor like Adobe Photoshop, I’ve yet to make the logo to go along w/

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Exeunt Control Board?…

At this week’s Model Congress, hosted by AIC, Lt. Governor Tim Murphy told reporters that Gov. Deval Patrick has no intention of keeping the Springfield Finance Control Board around past its expiration date this June. Indeed, it appears, as City Council President Kateri Walsh predicted,

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The Runner Up, Catching Up…

Today at 10:08 exactly, the city of Springfield swore in a new member of the city council. James “Jimmy” J. Ferrera III became the body’s newest member at a modest ceremony at City Hall. Ferrera ascended to the seat following Angelo Puppolo’s resignation to take

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The Council and the Springfield Paradox…

As the city awaits word from Governor Deval Patrick about the future of the Control Board, questions about the city’s future persist. Despite almost balancing the budget, (which would be balanced were it not for the legal black hole of the trash fee) Phil Puccia

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Whither Willard?…

I’m going to try to keep this short. However, while today is about new beginnings with the swearing in of the new DEMOCRATIC Congress in Washington and Deval Patrick in Boston, I am on a kind of past binge this week. I was never a

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The Year in Springfield

Sorry Folks, I’ve been working at my job in Springfield like crazy. I’ve finally had a day off and given that I’m to spend New Year’s Eve with myself, I’ve the time to cap the year with The Year in Springfield. Two Thousand Six was

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Merry Chistmas…

I have been AWOL once again. I have been laboring away at my various “brick & mortar” jobs over the past week and a half. Luckily, nothing overly devastating in world or Springfield news has grabbed my attention. I would like to take this opportunity

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Boston Beat: Southie City Hall…

Another one of the serials I hope to expand over time is the Boston beat. For those of you who do not know, I am a college student in Boston. I had always figured that being in Boston is great because I am able to

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OH NO! ‘0-8: Obama…

For the past few couple of weeks, I have been posting sparingly as I attended to my studies. However, I should after the next week have plenty of time for new postings and hope over the winter break get my biggest feat yet up on