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All posts by wmasspi

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Where Ethics Go to Die?…

This week the city council rejected the Ethic Ordinance proposed by City Councilors Bruce Stebbins and Pat Markey. The measure failed on a split vote of 4-4 given Councilor Kateri Walsh’s absence. Two measures were proposed, one to pass the ordinance and another to send

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Casino Debate Lives…

Well, sorta. State Senator Michael Knapik has proposed using the budget process to get the idea of casinos back on the table. You may remember the trauma and drama that Gov. Deval Patrick and Mass. House Speaker Sal DiMasi went fighting to bring gambling to

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A House Dividing?…

As the Massachusetts House of Representatives passes the FY2009 budget, turmoil may be on the horizon as Beacon Hill descends deeper and deeper into controversy. According to today’s edition of the Republican, the budget passed under a pall as Republican lawmakers continue to issue calls

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The Uniform Student…

Hi, folks remember me? Anyone? No? Well, I tried. Anyway. In an unanimous vote, the Springfield School Committee voted to establish a uniform for all students beginning with the 2008-2009 school year. The plan is meant to reduce the emphasis on clothing among students, establish

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Dealer Has…Twenty-One..

No this is not a gambling post. Thank goodness. Rather, this is a reflection on a different twenty-one, as in the age. Without revealing too much about my secret identity, your host recently turned 21. With this comes the legal coming-of-age ability to booze and,

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Looking Over Your Own Shoulder…Ethics Reform…

Yesterday, Springfield City Councilors Bruce Stebbins and Patrick Markey announced their plan for an ethics law in the city of Springfield. The proposed ordinance would apply to the City Council, the School Committee, the mayor, appointees, and employees. Provisions also exist for lobbyist registration with

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Guest Commentary: Casinos Gamble or Gambit…

WMassP&I will be hosting occasional posts offered by Central Connecticut State University Political Science Professor Jerold J. Duquette. Here is his first offering. “The rejection of Governor Patrick’s plan to bring casinos to the Bay State has me wondering. The Governor and the Speaker of

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Top Cops and One Armed Bandits…

Well the last 24 hours have been a hell of a time in the Commonwealth and Springfield. The Springfield Finance Control Board Police Commissioner Search Committee (ah, bureaucracy) has selected a very unlikely, unexpected, and, un-local…William Fitchet. Sorry ’bout the sarcasm. Yes, the Search Committee

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The Lights Out @ WMassP&I?…

No, not as such. In light of my prolonged absence and limited political news…Yes, Spitzer resigned, Obama’s priest disparaged America, and the FCB is close to picking a new police chief. Let’s discuss about my busy-ness and some more philosophical commentary. Presently, yours truly is