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For Every Man’s Death Diminishes Me…

His face is probably more recognizable now than it was when the weekend began.  Smiling out against a white background, the photograph that shot its way across the media now tells far more than a mere thousand words.  Neither a student ID photo nor likely

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Top Google Search Results for Springfield…

Springfield has put itself in the running to host an experimental new fiber optic system that Google is developing to deliver high-speed internet service.  Recent news reports have surface about Google’s plans to enter into the Internet Service Provider market, possibly taking on giants like

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“When Hippies Get the Bomb” or the Threat of a Nuclear Vermont…

Last month the Vermont legislature voted overwhelming to deny a renewal for the troubled Vermont Yankee nuclear facility just over the Massachusetts-Vermont line.  The move was praised by environmentalists, anti-nuclear activists, and Franklin County (MA) politicians as well as Green Mountain State’s sizable leftist population.

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Snack on This…

Today, we are going to keep our thoughts and feelings short as we attack the Governor’s budget.  It is true that the budget was released over a month ago, but today we have decided to take exception to one particular item. Governor Deval Patrick has

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Union Station Terminal Illness?…

The Hartford/Springfield community centered blog, Urban Compass by Heather Brandon reported last month that the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority would give up its role in the redevelopment of Springfield Union Station on Frank B. Murray Street in downtown Springfield.  Instead, the bulk of the work

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Brief Update…

WMassP&I feels obligated to announced that Scott Brown of Wrentham, MA was sworn in today as Massachusetts’ newest Senator in Washington.  Although Brown had previously planned that to be sworn in next Thursday, this week he requested that Governor Deval Patrick certify his election and

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Rating the State of the Union…

President Barack Obama delivered his first State of the Union address this evening.  Obama’s State of the Union was tinged by the victory of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, the overburdened effort for health care reform, and dwindling poll numbers and public confidence. Nothing in his

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Guess What Else is Brown…

January 20, 2010 marks one year since Barack Obama took the oath of office.  It is fitting that the day before, in one of the safest states for Democrats, that a shocking and sudden repudiation of that party should elect man possibly in the mold

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Pomp and Circumstance 2010…

Springfield offered a little bit of the pomp and circumstance it rarely, but effectively, mustered Monday when the new City Council, the new School Committee, and a reelected Domenic Sarno took the oaths of office. The tone of the inauguration seemed a pinch more upbeat